Friday 18 April 2014

Rig with mesh solved - Bender and the Devil Robot

After the results of the mesh and rig being combined last time, where I separately connected benders mesh pieces to their corresponding rig pieces and the other method where benders pieces were selected together.

But the solution to the problem was that benders pieces had to be grouped as one, then the rig would respond to the mesh, even though linking the pieces is like the process of grouping, you would think linking the pieces would work as well, but it did not.

So grouping benders body pieces together as shown in the screen shots above and below came out really well with the rig mostly sticking to the mesh without creating too many disorientation. 

Note: as i have gone with choosing robot characters and like benders design, skinning does not help with their design basis, i.e. benders body must not move or twist extra, but luckily with the rig envelopes, i have manipulated the envelopes so bender and the devil robot non movable part don't wrap too much.

Benders head however was not grouped with his body, because of benders design where he has no neck like the devil robot, his head was linked to the rig head piece to allow him to free rotate his head 360 degrees.

Performing benders stress test with the IK settings, to allow his legs to bend up, but unfortunately due to his design, his legs can't be rotated up because of how his pelvis is stuck in his body, without distorting him, bending the legs up to the extreme is not needed.

Another stress test to how far bender can bend, again because of his design, he does not get much movement, if anything his head rotating and arms are the most he can move, apart from the walk cycle, then his legs can run, walk etc.

As discussed above, i modified the envelopes in benders non movable body, so when he walks his body does not wrap or twist.

Screen shots showing the devil robot and bender's finger stress test to see if they can grip and bend there fingers.

Like Bender, the devil robot's body was grouped  and unlike bender as the devil robot is designed to move more like a human he received little envelope modifications because he is better designed for skinning.

The only envelope modification i did was to his body because its the only piece that obviously wrapped when it should not.

But like bender not all of the devil mesh pieces were grouped as one, the devil robot caused some problems with his head and mouth being connected to his rig, so like bender his head was separated from his body grouped because of his horns etc and linked separately  to the rig head, this worked well allowing his head to move freely on his neck and not  distorting it, as would happen if it was grouped as one.

Three screen shots showing each one of the devil robot and bender's different expression heads being linked and added to the hub body and then saved as different file names under what expression they had.

With my scenes this is a special scene for bender to have a moving leg and have one leg only, so certain rig pieces were removed.

Whist doing a test scene with my rig and buildings i discovered that
the rig can not be scaled without distorting everything attached to it, so if your creating a scene, the scene has to be made bigger to counteract the rigged characters.

One other thing I discovered when animating either bender or the devil robot it is impossible for the rig pieces to rotate the character without distorting i.e. the screen is showing that i want bender to turn a press the lift button because as soon as i animate rotate him his body becomes disjointed from his arms as shown below, so to solve this, this scene has bender facing the switch and he just bends over and presses the button, but for some reason the rig does not like to be rotated whist in animation mode.

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