Sunday 6 April 2014

Character analyzing - Zoidberg from Futurama

 Clip 1:

In this first clip of zoidberg, shows a definite observation about this character, the male squid crab, shows that he has a real bad sense of self worth through his posture and facial expressions, the squid has a sad looking hunched over worthless look about him, that makes people not want to be round him.
This is the vibe he gives in his body language.
The second clip then shows one of the reasons  why he has no self worth, being a squid crab, he has a natural odour through his natural under arm ink, which is quite a pungent and offensive smell to other characters. 

 Clip 2:

In this second clip it shows that he has no table manners and eats food like a pig, he Gobles it down with a lot of noise, putting food everywhere and on everyone around him, he has a hunched over and protectiveness of his food, so no one can take it, so again people avoid him. 
This leads to a very aggressive side to his character, because he is always hungry through lack of food and his favourite food is very hard to come by, so he can be threatening to people trying to get more food, showing a threatening posture. 

 Clip 3:

In this third clip, it shows that he does have colleges, but they are not really his friends, because they do not value his opinion and are not interested in what he has to say, they tell him so in a very unfriendly way, threatening him to be quiet and he shows he is very afraid and cowls over in fear, being a squid – crab, his natural instinct jumps in and his ink splatters all over the character that is threatening to him and his natural instinct comes in again and he runs away, in the way zoidberg does.
His body language shows when trying to be heard, he shows a laid back image of the squid – crab, then it shows him very afraid in a protective posture and then lastly his body language shows when running away with fear, his arms are up in the air. 

Clip 4:

In this fourth clip, it shows the other side of zoidberg, when he is out with his friends and they actually need him for once, he is very pleased that they have asked him to do something for them and he opens up a can with him special claw like hands and he feels for a moment that they want him around.
He is very overjoyed about with his body language showing a happy smiley face when he is opening the can and his hands up happily, that he has done something good for his friends and could do what they wanted him to do the right way.
Because deep down he likes to be liked and likes doing things for other people.

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