Sunday 6 April 2014

Action plan - Chosen idea:

My chosen idea 1 where the good guy bender stops the devil robot on the roof, causing mass harm, bender is the roof top savoir and will  save the day.

First shot shows bender walking casually along the street in new York

Then bender stops, his eyes are wide open and he tilts slightly to hear a noise coming from above him.

Bender then turns his head and uses his robot mechanics to make his eyes zoom out of his head to focus up at  the building to source the unusual noise.

A shot showing the devil robot looking over the edge of the building and then the devil robot starts to pick up a bomb from the crate beside him.

A shot back on bender as he looks worried, he then quickly rushes off screen.

Bender then enters the next scene by running towards a window cleaners platform

bender then jumps into a window cleaner's platform that is also a lift and angrily pressing button to make it go up and faster as bender leaves the scene.

However the devil robot is enjoying himself, by having fun by throwing  multiple bombs down at the people below, he then stand tall and posses with an evil laugh.

The devil robot actions suddenly stop as he hears something coming up, he puts his hand to his ear.

Bender is making his way up, coming up faster, still looking angry

with a different camera view, bender is nearing the top, but the devil robot suddenly appears and angrily pulls bender up to his level.

Now the devil robot is feeling smug as he has caught his spy, bender is strung up panicking.

Then as the devil robot laughs, bender then opens his eyes wide open as if he had just thought of a plan.

bender then sneakily, disconnects his leg joint, and the leg joint drops onto the roof, hops behind the devil robot and kicks him.

This gave the devil robot a shock with wide open eyes and caused the devil robot to drop bender and then lose his balance and unluckily  fall off the edge of the building with depressing eyes.

In the credits however it has a scene that the devil robot has survived and is hanging on a beam.

idea 2

the devil robot is holding him up by his head as bender is starting to worry, then he whist the devil robot is laughing, detaches his leg joint, the leg then moves behind the devil robot, kick him in the back.

the devil robot is surprised, he loses his balance, he trips over the edge, releases bender and falls to his death, or so you think.

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