Sunday 6 April 2014

3D Character – Character choices

Listed below are the four characters that i am considering so i can re create in 3ds max - out of the four characters i have decided to go with the Futurama characters - Bender and the devil robot, because there more interesting to work with.

The devil robot will be portrayed as the bad guy and Bender is playing the hero.


Bender is also a good character to model in 3ds max for his variety of shapes,and looks like a nice character meaning bender is not just square, he has rounded edges.
He and the devil robot have  good eye movements inside their heads, bender's mouth can open but it can only go up and down when he wants to eat something.
His leg design is better being under his body like the rig, but his design is standard being not as detailed as the devil robot.

Devil Robot

Devil Robot from Futurama – a good choice to model as a character in 3ds max because of how he is design, this makes him easy to shape without being to hard to construct, but at the same time having different shapes  round his body to make it challenging to work with and he looks like a bad guy.
He design is suited to the 3ds max rig of a human, with slight adjustments to the legs of the rig to stick out the sides of his waste instead of under them, the devil robot is a good choice for design and variety.
Compared to bender, the devil robot has a better mouth feature allowing the model to have a opening and closing mouth. 

Patrick Star:

Patrick star is a good example for a 3d model, in his design, being shaped like a human, also having a mouth and facial expressions, the downside is that his round form will be  a challenge to make, and his movements are very interesting.

Spongebob could be a good choice for a 3d character because of his design and because unlike bender and the devil robot, he is good for doing better rigging with more facial expressions, but the down side is that the puppet might not work well because he's to square, the rig will have a lot of space around it. 


1 comment:

  1. 3D Animation : What the Doctor Ordered

    The animation market is huge- it was worth over $254 billion dollars back in 2017. We, however, don't expect it to stop there. This is largely because of the fact that animation has made its presence felt in the field of marketing.

    3D animation is conventionally a reserve of the entertainment industry. This is mainly because animation has kept us interested in cinemas for the longest time. Nowadays, however, animation is present beyond the cinema halls -being used to showcase products.

    That raises the question, "Is 3D product animation worth all the hype?

    Well, to be honest, it WORTH A LOT MORE THAN THAT!

    Just take a look at brand names like Gillette and Apple. With Gillette, for example, a boring shave is transformed into a 3D adventure. Now consider at the extent of trust the marketing technique garners for the brand. Gillette was sensible enough to realize that to rise above the competition, it had to move away from generic advertising. The benefit is that great animation is generally considered to be proof of an excellent product. Employ 3D product animation and join the ever growing list of businesses that are dominating their niches.

    When 3d animation is utilized as a marketing tool, three major advantages are realized:

    1.Prototyping Made Simple: Prototypes are costly. To be fair, they do get the job done but, what if there was a more affordable alternative? Well, now you can. With a 3D product animation, you can- inexpensively- make a model of your product and use it to gauge the market. This way, you have feedback for your product inexpensively.

    2. First Impressions Come Once: Let's face it, the majority of products are boring. Just imagine a Gillette ad without the animation. Would it not place you to sleep in the first five seconds?

    3D product animation takes an ordinary looking item and transforms it into an adventure of epic proportions. The item is viewable across all 360-degrees with special effects added for that extra punch. Do it right and the market will obsess over your product.

    The iPhone X used this strategy perfectly. The marketing strategy was mainly centered on3D models. Other brands that have utilized 3D product animations efficiently are Samsung, Microsoft, and Huawei. It is no wonder they dominate their markets.

    3. All about The Money: 3D product animation will save you plenty of money. The 3D model can even be utilized to identify glitches in an unfinished product. Designers can modify the product after analyzing its model without physical prototyping.

    On top of that, animation is a really cost-effective marketing system. Just take a look at the popularity of 3D modelling rigs and Virtual Reality equipment to get a feel of how hungry the world is for 3D.

    In conclusion, your product has a lot to gain from 3D technologies. The animation will give your product an aura of suspense and class that the market just finds irresistible. Animation also provides the brand legitimacy as a modern oriented firm. You will be amazed to know just how many excellent products fail to sell due to how they introduced themselves to the market.

    Don't be part of that statistic. Abandon generic advertising methods. Turn your ad into a 3D tale featuring your product as the sophisticated and irresistible hero. Everybody likes those, or don't you?
